Monday, July 5, 2010

Operation Freegan + our heroine does it again

ok ive not posted cos i've been trying to catch up with myself. i've been working so hard, and yes i let off some steam on the dance floor at oldies night, but it doesnt make me any less tired. you'd never think it, but wrapping cheese takes a lot out of you. its a very physical job, with 8 hrs on my feet and constantly lugging heavy wheels of cheese to, from, up, down, in and out of a freezing walk-in refrigerator. think the equivalent of washing/putting away dishes for 8 hrs, and you come close to the physical excertion i go through 6 days a week at this fucking job i'm too good for, but apparently not good AT.

oh and i lost my ID at oldies night. im pretty sure it fell out of my pocket as agata and i wiggled around in the photo booth. which means i cant go anywhere, and i can only buy wine at the corner store, where the employees know and recognize me all too well.

and you know what? FUCK theres a fucking ABUNDANCE of free food available to me at work. especially since i started befriending a couple of the vendors, and they make sure to set me aside an extra PIZZA, ENTIRE LOAF of bread, BOXES of cookies, etc. i realized this 'spend no money on food for 2 weeks' is TOO EASY! i need a REAL challenging challenge right now, to distract me from the mess my life has become. lost ID and all.

SO, here is the new challenge, and it even has a title: Operation Freegan. The word "freegan" is a portmanteau of "free" and "vegan", and implies "a person who consumes discarded goods, mostly food, especially an environmentally concerned person who wishes to protect the environment and challenge consumerism cycles by waste reduction" (thats from wikipedia, lest i be sued for plagarism).
for the purposes of this blog however, i am removing all political context from the word, and using it only in terms of groceries and their purchase (or lack thereof).

for the ENTIRE MONTH of JULY, i will not buy any groceries! yes, i will buy wine. thats not food, thats just a soothing medicinal beverage. i'll only be posting about food when/if it required any creative manuvering on my part.

so, wish me luck and lets see how it goes.

cos in the meantime, i'm in a bit of struggle with myself. i've been working so hard for so long and its really taking its toll. i mean, as i was going through finals, my fiance and i broke up, and a couple days later i was in an art show, and the next week i started 48-hr weeks of wrapping cheese. i've not had time to rest, much less process anything. its no wonder i'm constantly seeking comfort, from food, wine, friends. obviously, i want to focus on the healthy resources, but when i told someone today that i had lost my identification, she said "wow, thats a loaded statement." she was right.
i cant even fathom dating right now. but i've been in a text message exchange with (GET THIS): my boss's son. he came into the store a few weeks back and it only took us a 5 minute conversation to see we had tons in common, and so we traded digits.

HOWEVER, before you give me too much credit, take note: i am notoriously awkward around boys and though i have excellent social skills, i can not successfully flirt to save my life. not convinced? here is the latest text message conversation between my boss's son and i (s is for son, k is for kendra. anything in italics is my personal commentary):

s: hey edo salon on lower haight is having a killer art show tonight. free drinks and band playing:)

k: which band?

s: hmm, not sure (?)

k: (trying to be witty) never heard of them. hardy har ;)

s: ;] me neither kendra.....
s: i bet they suck real bad!

k: (trying to seem jaded and too cool for school) suck? no way! not just any old band can book a hair salon in a city that lost its relevance 15 yrs ago.

(a couple of hours pass with no response. i use the time to re-read the text exchange)
k: oh damn its not your band is it? :/
(more silence)
k: awkward.

applause applause. only me, ladies and gentlemen, this would only happen to me.

im gonna be alone forever.

current music: magnetic fields - absolutely cuckoo
current mood: exhausted

1 comment:

  1. Agata says: "Kendra is too cute for words"! I love this blog, lady!! I think I may start one of my own one of these days. You are inspiring me!
