Sunday, July 18, 2010

big city girl vices

in order to distract myself from mySelf, i've recently developed layers and layers of bad habits in which to indulge. but now i'm telling myself that its just about time i've faced mySelf and to not my vices get in the way of myself anymore.

i chew way too much gum. i honestly have at least one piece going in my mouth at all times. sometimes two. sometimes three. you see, i buy the fruity flavors and combine a couple different ones in order to create my very own personal calorie-free on-going smoothie. its sick and twisted, i know. and its now starting to affect my palette.

i drink way too much coffee. in order to 'speed up' at work, i began to take advantage of the free folgers choice theyve available in the break room. over time, i've begun to drink coffee 'to wake up', 'to fuel my work out', 'to pick it up a notch at work', 'to complement my meal'. i'm drinking about ten cups a day. at night i lay awake and wonder why i cant seem to get a good nights sleep these days.

i drink way too much wine. this is to combat the effects of the caffeine intake. red wine is my greatest ally to calm my racing thoughts enough to drift off.

i use too many artificial ingredients. case in point(s): a coated palette is now only satisfied with obscene amounts of salt, powders and other artificial flavors to make up for an aspartame-induced tastebud coma; ten cups of coffee = ten packets of splenda, daily.

i eat way too many refined carbs. this ones pretty tame compared to the other habits, and i'm aware thats a direct result of the rules of Operation Freegan, which inadvertantly dictate that i take advantage of the free bread made available to me at work. and lordy is my body craving carbs (normally consumed in the form of fruit and veggies).

i watch way too much tv. from the moment i wake up until the moment the 'sleep' feature kicks in, tv is my background noise. having grown up as the only child of workaholics, tv was my babysitter and the white noise that filled the rooms of an otherwise empty and quiet house. since siphoning cable from my landlord, most of what i watch is trashy reality crap. and i fucking love it. but it procrastinates me.

trust me when i say there are many other vices of which i am the "proud" hostess, but these are just the few i'm willing to share/work on.

this week will be all about cutting back on these bad habits. starting tomorrow. (cos today i made a 'gum smoothie' using a personal record-breaking 6 pieces of gum, sipped my weight in splenda-flavored coffee, ate approximately a quarter loaf of various types of bread, and drank half a bottle of wine while i 'watched' real housewives of new jersey reruns.)

starting tomorrow. just one week. thats what i keep telling myself.

also starting tomorrow? 'new music mondays'. hey.

Operation Freegan status: used what would have been 'grocery money' to take advantage of the last days of the beverages & more wine sale. what what.

current mood: old habits die hard, man.
current music: ida maria - queen of the world.

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