Wednesday, June 30, 2010

deja vu. twice.

today i returned some purchases to target so i could have cash for laundry.
at the very bottom of the hamper i found some of my ex fiances boxers, as well as his favorite (& still pretty new) shirt. yes, its been that long since ive done laundry/ that recent of a break-up. after the initial snarky satisfaction that he'd never see his favorite shirt again, the boxers went straight into the garbage, but i stared at the shirt for a while, not quite sure how to react to it. i debated washing it and then cutting it up and altering into something my size that i could wear. 'that'll show him!', i thought. but i quickly realized i didnt want his cooties to taint my clothes in the wash, so i put it in a plastic bag and threw it out. it felt pretty good.
its better to have loved and lost than to have to do someone elses laundry.

then, while the clothes were in the dryer, something really bizarre happened. i dont know what came over me. i drove to the nearest walgreens and bought a set of crayons and $10 worth of coloring books. what? you've got me! ive no idea why i bought these things or what i was thinking. i mean, whats next? eating spaghetti-os while i watch mr. rogers???

(big red and juicy fruit were on sale, so i grabbed those too. gum fixes everything.)

todays eats included more fruit & yogurt bowls, and giant salads (that lettuce was just sad). i did get creative though. a couple days ago, i grabbed a couple corn tortillas from the free feast of mexican food leftovers at work and tossed them in the freezer when i got home. craving mexican food today, i topped my salad with salsa and fage (as sour cream), and cut up and baked those tortillas to use as chips. it was awesome.
then i made a mango ice cream from free mango samples at work that i had also kept in my freezer for later use.
not too shabby.

but right now? right now im getting ready to pop the beatles' 'hard days night' into the vcr and yes, color in my new coloring books. (huh?)

money spent on food: zero

current music: cold war kids - hang me out to dry
current mood: confused.

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